I sip my early morning coffee and notice the small wild turkey flock feeding alongside the house. They see me and stand still, vigilant for a moment, then wander across the driveway and continue picking small shoots, insects and wildflower petals from amidst the grass.
While I close the gate at the end of my long, dusty road, the driver of the Mérida "Centro" bus taps his horn and we exchange smiles and waves as he passes by.
I direct the pickup into the nearby pueblo, and an officer in front of the police station, a man on his bike, a woman sweeping her front walk, and a group of elderly men in front of the mercado all wave as we pass.
A great many things have changed since this blog went dormant some time ago, but a lot has stayed the same.
There is peace here if you let distractions drop away.
And this blog is very much alive.
Text and photos copyright 2025 by Marc Olson.