Being away from Mèrida for an extended period makes even more evident to me why I prefer to live there. I enjoy visiting the States, especially Alaska, and always have a good time, but very quickly I begin to miss the things that make Mexico feel like home to me now.
Here are a few of the things I miss when I am not in Yucatàn:
Waking to birdsong as the sun rises.
Getting up when I feel like it (which usually is fairly early because I look forward to the day).
Shaking off sleep with a cool swim and hot coffee before breakfast.
Feeling no pressure to have a plan for the day and live by the clock. I only put on a watch (if I can find one and the battery is still working) when it's time to take a trip north.
Eating when I am hungry and not because "it's time to eat."
Breakfasting in the shade of an aromatic, flowering tree.
Truly fresh fruits and vegetables, and morning conversations with the vendors at the market, a five-minute walk from the house.
Working at things I choose to do because I like to do them, not at things I have to do for the money or because someone else thinks I should do them.
Coffee and conversation (or a few games of backgammon) with friends at a local cafe.
The delicious and affordable restaurant options within a few minutes' walk of home.
The friendliness, security and peacefulness of my neighborhood.
High ceilings and ceiling fans, which make living in a hot climate comfortable without air conditioning (most of the time, anyway). There is something about the soft whir and cool breeze of a ceiling fan that enables me to go to sleep anytime I choose, morning, afternoon or evening. I never suffer from insomnia when at home in Mèrida.
The tile floors found in many older buildings here, including my house. They are more beautiful, cooler and cleaner than carpets. I'll never again live with wall-to-wall carpeting.
Peace and quiet at home. I don't have a TV and forget how stressful (the constant bombardment of noise) and depressing (negative and meaningless content) television can be until I spend time where the box is everywhere and on constantly.
Being able to go to the countryside or the beach quickly. It's all close by. If the mood for a getaway strikes me, I am "in the sticks" or feeling the sand between my toes in no time.
If I keep thinking about it, I can go on extending this list, but that's not the point. The most important thing that I miss is something that is harder to put down in words. It is the feeling of the place, the way my heart is when I think about Yucatàn from a distance, and the joy and comfort I feel when I arrive home. It's the "there" there. That's what I miss the most. It's all of the things I listed above, and a lot more.